
The Startup Guide to Navigating Healthcare Reimbursement, Featuring Ron de Graaff

Dive into the heart of healthcare’s financial ecosystem with our electrifying new podcast episode, where Dr. Stefan Walzer, CEO, converses with the legendary Ron de Graaff, a titan in healthcare reimbursement since 1978. Ron’s journey through the evolving healthcare reimbursement landscape reveals not just the history but the future of navigating this complex world.

This episode is a treasure trove for anyone within the healthcare sphere, especially startups aiming to conquer the labyrinth of reimbursement. Embark on a journey to grasp the nuances of reimbursement strategy, the significance of staying abreast with regulations, and the art of market selection for your innovation.

Listen to the podcast: here


Dutch payers are pragmatic, especially when discussing medical devices, isn’t it, Ron de Graaff?

Unlock the secrets of navigating the Dutch healthcare market with this podcast episode! Dr. Stefan Walzer teams up with Ron de Graaff, a master of market access in the Netherlands, to delve into the unique intricacies and opportunities that define the path for medical devices. Discover the blend of standard and pragmatic approaches of evidence-based medicine assessments and reimbursement processes in the Netherlands. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or new to the healthcare industry, this episode is packed with essential insights and strategies for anyone looking to make a mark in the Dutch healthcare market.

Listen to the podcast: here